
Help a person tell their story and discover what makes them unique

Tell a story with pictures

You can upload up to 3 images for each section of the about page, creating a visual representation of someone's story. Not everyone can read and write well and this can exclude people supported from being part of person directed planning. With being able to share pictures in MyCompass, people served who struggle with literacy can be part of the process.
You can upload up to 3 images for each section of the about page, creating a visual representation of someone's story. Not everyone can read and write well and this can exclude people supported from being part of person directed planning. With being able to share pictures in MyCompass, people served who struggle with literacy can be part of the process.
Too often service systems are set up so that the first introduction new staff have to someone they will be supporting is a medicalized case file. With a person first profile, staff discover the human side first, transforming support interactions.

Ensure supports see the human side of a person first

Too often service systems are set up so that the first introduction new staff have to someone they will be supporting is a medicalized case file. With a person first profile, staff discover the human side first, transforming support interactions.

Capture the past and the present

Previous interests are as important to understand as current ones. Knowing what someone is interested in helps build meaningful plans.
Previous interests are as important to understand as current ones. Knowing what someone is interested in helps build meaningful plans.

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