Things To Consider When Adopting MyCompass

General Considerations
When organizations adopt any kind of new technology that shifts day to day practice there are change management, culture and resource considerations to keep in mind and plan for to help with the transition. MyCompass is very user friendly and focuses on direct input from the people served and their families to help shape plans in collaboration with their supports. Even with the most user friendly and intuitive interfaces, you will have a spectrum of user abilities with varying comfort levels with change and technology. Some people will dive right in and find MyCompass is very easy to figure out on their own and will need minimal support. You’ll also likely find some other users who have decided they won’t be able to use MyCompass before they even log in and try it. Resistance to this exciting new technology may come from people not understanding how the tool works, or it may come from being frustrated with having to change a practice and learn something new. Regardless of where people are starting from, the consistent feedback we have received once users have made the transition to MyCompass is that they love it and that it makes life better and easier for everyone concerned.
“I love that in a secure way I can plan in real time with families and people I support. I’m not ordinarily that good with technology, but MyCompass is just intuitive and easy to use. I like that you can easily check progress on plans, track dates and families can stay in touch and see meaningful updates in pictures and other ways about how their loved ones are doing and see what they are working on to make life better.”
— Carina Grosskopf, Team Leader - Skills Society

Change Management Considerations
We appreciate that it will take some time to help these people get comfortable with MyCompass as the new tool to support their planning and leadership skills. Research shows that it takes about 21 days to learn and develop a new habit that is practiced daily.
Some suggested strategies to help you communicate the roll out of MyCompass Planning
Let people know that the questions in MyCompass and the user interface were designed following significant consultation with people served, their families and service providers
There will be a learning curve for everyone and it will take some time to learn new habits
MyCompass won’t be rolling out all at once across the organization, but rather in stages
During the transition, ask people to be patient and reassure them that there will be help along the way
MyCompass will save time and human resources over time
Important information relating to the person being served will be consolidated in one place i.e. The plan and current happenings, log notes, photographs, guardianship/trusteeship orders,contact names and #’s, and important dates
The skills, expertise and knowledge of the organization’s leaders who facilitate planning and manage plans will continue to be needed and valued by the people served and the organization
MyCompass will not be able to replace the leadership, stewardship and planning abilities, but will serve to complement and support their practice
Encourage questions and feedback and provide frequent check-ins
Once people are familiar with MyCompass, planning will be easier, more effective and fun!
Technology Considerations
MyCompass works through a web browser
MyCompass is a web application (app). A web app is a secure application that works through a web browser like Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Internet explorer. We recommend using Chrome or Firefox. The benefits of a web app is that no one has to download an app to their mobile device or computer and users will never have to worry about downloading the latest version of MyCompass. Updates will automatically occur each time they log into MyCompass.
E-mail Addresses
Anyone who will have access to MyCompass will require their own unique e-mail account.
Every individual you serve will need to have their own unique e-mail account. If they do not already have an account, they can sign up for a free Gmail account.
Staff members will require an organizational e-mail address (eg: We very strongly recommend that staff not use their personal e-mail addresses for accessing MyCompass as your organization does not have control over personal accounts.
Depending on your e-mail provider, there may be an additional cost to creating these additional e-mails. You may wish to explore Google’s GSuite, as they offer unlimited free e-mail inboxes for non-profits.
Easy Access to Computers
MyCompass is a web-based tool that will become a core part of staff’s day-to-day activities. If your organization doesn’t already have computers easily available to staff, we recommend you look at purchasing devices for staff to use. While MyCompass is accessible on phones or tablets, we have found that devices with a physically attached keyboard for writing work best.
We have had great success using the Acer Chromebook 11” Laptop, available at It has an extremely long battery life, easy to use keyboard and trackpad, and runs ChromeOS. ChromeOS is essentially just a web browser- you aren’t able to install software, but is optimized for web-based software like Google Mail, Shift Planning, E-Compliance, and MyCompass. Administrators are also able to configure which websites are accessible, and no information is saved on the laptop once a user has logged out thus creating added privacy protection.
Internet Access via Wifi or Data Plans
If individuals you serve don’t have internet access in their homes, you won’t be able to access MyCompass on a laptop or Chromebook. If the individuals are not open to acquiring internet or if their home isn’t able to get internet service with WiFi, we recommend purchasing a mobile internet device from your wireless provider (Bell, Telus, Rogers, etc). Commonly referred to as a “mobile stick”, they use a cellular signal to provide internet to a laptop or Chromebook. There is an initial purchase price for the device itself, and then a monthly data plan just like you would have on your cell phone. These mobile devices can be physically secured, ensuring that only authorized staff are able to use the internet connection.
We recommend contacting your wireless provider to determine the best option for you. Confirm with your provider that the mobile internet device they recommend is compatible with the laptop or Chromebook staff will be using. There may be business discounts available based on the number of devices you will be purchasing. A shared data pool can also offer savings across multiple devices.

MyCompass life cycle considerations
Getting to know and understand people before we help them plan is key. Utilizing the Discovery process will help staff uncover a person’s unique gifts and talents; where and when they are at their best; their preferences, likes and dislikes and what is valued and important to them in their life.
Discovery answers the question “Who is this person?”
Michael Callahan - Marc Gold & Associates
In the discovery phase the person served and the key people in their life have conversations about the person’s life story, hopes, interests, unique abilities. Some people facilitating the discovery phase print out the paper workbook to help jot down notes in an informal way and then enter the information into MyCompass after a planning meeting. The main area to fill out in MyCompass at this stage is the profile “About” information. Information gathered through the discovery process and compiled in the profile is key in the development of a thoughtful and robust plan that maximizes opportunities and success for the person served.
Create a plan: After discovery and entering profile information, people begin to create a plan. To do this you must first make sure that all contributors to a plan have received and responded to an email invitation to use MyCompass. Invites to people outside of your organization are only sent with the approval of the person and/or guardian. Together the person served, and their trusted supports choose what pillars of support to explore and follow step by step to create a plan.
Finalize a plan cycle: After the person and their key supports have developed a plan, the group “finalizes” the plan and selects the next review date.
Work towards accomplishing the plan: After finalizing a plan,everyone involved will receive an e-mail outlining their specific responsibilities in the person’s plan. During this phase, everyone involved uses the private MyCompass “timeline” to communicate, keep in touch, document milestones, upload pictures, and check off accomplishments from the plan.
Review how things are going: One month before the plan’s set review date, everyone will receive an automated email reminder to make sure to check that all tasks and accomplishments have been recorded. A review date with the person and their supports is then set and the group gets together to celebrate the accomplishments; reflect on learnings; discuss considerations and opportunities moving forward and create a new plan. The previous plan is then archived and reports generated as required - and the next planning cycle begins!
Implementation Steps